Evil masterminds have business cards and
mythological protective beasts have feelings too
It’s late at night on the
streets of Toronto NYC and Vincent is walking down the streets, hiding
in the shadows as the vigilante he tries NOT to be. His super-senses alert him
that there is someone in danger so he does a series of complicated beast jumps
to get to a dumpster… I am sure there was a more direct route … Inside the
dumpster, Vincent finds a dying teenage kid. He performs CPR on him and rushes
him to a hospital where he puts him on a gurney and throws a lot of medical
jargon to the orderly, which is sorta hot, and then disappears into the night
again… you know like the vigilante claims he is NOT.
CUT TO a park where Cat, Tess
and the other cops are practicing for a softball game against the fire
department. We learn that 1) Cat sucks at softball 2) Evan plays cricket (no
shocker there) and 3) Cat has a lousy sex life [that will change soon]. Anyway
there is a lost ball and when Cat goes to look for it she finds Vincent hiding
behind the trees; still stalkerish, but much less creepy and more welcome. He
tells her about the kid he found in the dumpster and offers to help. Then Joe
starts bitching about the ball and Vincent takes it from Catherine and throws
it with all his super-strength surprising everybody. For some reason, I thought
that was super-cute.
It is time for the case of the
week. It is not CSI: Pretty People, because there isn’t a dead body. It doesn’t
feel like Law & Order: Special Estrogen Unit either and it sure as
hell is not like Bones, you’ll see
why in a bit.
Suspects: His girlfriend Clarissa, his girlfriend’s ex Sean, Mr.
Holt his dad (a reporter)
Cat and Tess investigate
Tommy’s attack while he is still in a comma. They find a picture of his
girlfriend inside his wallet and they also learn from his medical records that
he has suffered abuse. So his father becomes the first suspect. His dad
explains the traumas were caused by fights Tommy used to get into. Apparently
he has something called ADHD, which makes him lose control when he is not
taking his meds. See any parallels there? In summary, Tommy was a troubled teen;
he even went to a REHABILITATION PROGRAM. His dad is also worried because he
saw him wearing a FANCY WATCH. And… I am
already bored with this case… Come one, the dad didn’t do it… the first suspect
is never the killer. Moving on…
Back at the WAREHOUSE Vincent is
gathering supplies to go back to the crime scene and look for evidence, because
they don’t have cops who specialize on that or anything… JT gives Vincent a
reality dose and reminds him that he is not “normal” and that Muirfield won’t
stop hunting him, just so he can have a proper courtship with his new girl. It
is a little harsh, but he has a point. Vincent of course, ignores him. He also chose
the wrong day to stop stalking Catherine because as she was walking on the
street alone sans-stalkers, Ari from Nikita
[the character’s name is actually Silverfox but am I the only one who
believes Silverfox and Ari are the same person?] and his Muirfield goons abduct
her. They take her to an abandoned building where Ari Muifield questions Cat
about Vincent and she does the worst job ever pretending she doesn’t know
anything. After a total of 2 seconds [not even exaggerating] she caves and
starts defending him. She is all “it’s not Vincent’s fault you guys turned him
into a killing machine and you know what else, Ari from Nikita? Killing my mom…
Not cool, dude”
In the meantime, Vincent is
back at the CRIME SCENE where he finds Tommy’s FANCY WATCH. He places the watch
on a visible place so the cops can find it. Now, was that really necessary? I
would imagine cops who do this for a living will be thorough enough when
searching crime scenes. This is so not CSI…
or maybe it is… CSI: Beast Protected NY.
Back at KIDNAPPING CENTRAL, Ari Muirfield is doing his best to convince
Catherine Vincent is not such a stand-up guy [or a mythological protective
beast]. He tries the war angle, but she is not biting, then he tries the
civilian angle and that gets Catherine’s attention. Ari shows Catherine the
picture of a man who Vincent killed outside a bar. First Catherine is in denial
but Ari is pretty convincing, he goes on telling her that he cannot control his
“basic instincts” and that he should be put away because he is “lethal”. You
can see doubt creeping in on Catherine’s face.
the case and actually busy being held hostage by a black-ops organization.
Evan, who is the only person in this office that actually does his job in a
timely manner, has figured out that Tommy was beaten with a heavy weapon and
dragged, which means he died somewhere else. Tess is not paying any attention
because she had the “salacious” theory that Cat was having an affair with him.
Since clearly that is not the case she is trying to figure out what’s up with
Cat. It is obvious that she is having secret meetings with a supposedly dead
vet/failed government experiment Tess… couldn’t you figure that out? And you
call yourself a detective…
We are once again at KIDNAPPING
CENTRAL where Ari Muirfield is trying to make Cat believe he is just trying to
help Vincent. Since Cat is not stupid she is not buying the nice act, so Ari
tries a different approach. He offers her information about her mother in
exchange for Vincent. A month ago, Cat would have probably jumped at the
opportunity, but things are different now. Ari gives Cat his BUSINESS CARD and
basically tells her to sleep on it. Now, I am not an evil mastermind running a
secret organization, but that seems like a stupid plan. Wouldn’t it be easy to
just keep Cat there, contact Vincent and force him to come? I mean, that’s
kidnapping 101, right? I guess Ari Muirfield is nicer than we thought after
all. After the nicest kidnapping ever, Cat goes back to her apartment and she
is surprised to find Vincent there. She gets all upset and paranoid, tells him
to come inside and closes all the blinds. She was just kidnapped, so I guess it
is understandable. Vincent is oblivious to the whole kidnapping thing so he
just gives her an update on Tommy and… am I the only one who forgot there was a
case of the week going on? Of course when Vincent finds out about the abduction
he goes into protective mode. Cat just wants him gone which clearly hurts him,
but she is spooked so I will give her a pass… for now
Back at the PRECINCT Cat is
digging some information about the man Vincent “mauled” behind a bar. She is
also trying to buy balloons for her future stepmom’s bridal shower. Hey, busy
girls have to multitask. And speaking of busy girls, Tess comes back to
actually work on the case. Won’t bore you with details, but basically thanks to
the watch and dirt found on Tommy’s clothes they conclude he was killed in
Westchester where he was in a recovery program for troubled teens.
At the WAREHOUSE Vincent is
brooding in the cutest way possible: Sitting on his bed, punching a sand bag,
sitting on a table, rubbing his face, etc… I think I could actually watch this
for a while… But Vincent’s inner struggle is interrupted by JT coming home. He
feels bad for “bursting Vincent’s bubble” earlier and is trying to make nice.
He got him a book and everything, using his “biochem professor of the semester
gift certificate”…he would so totally be my favorite teacher. Vincent tells JT
to sit down and hands him a beer and then… he drops the M-bomb. JT blatantly
asks if Catherine is dead and for some reason it made chuckle. After it is
established that she is still alive, JT questions Ari Muirfield’s kidnapping
techniques like the rest of us. Then it takes JT about five seconds to go into
a nervous breakdown and conclude they need to “move move”. I wonder if there is
a difference between move and move move… you know, like dead and dead dead.
Vincent is absolutely convinced Catherine is not giving them up and he doesn’t
want to leave… because he is in love I guess, but in all fairness leaving was
probably the best idea for everyone [not that we want that]. JT, on the other
hand, thinks Catherine might break if they splash water on her or something. JT
gets ready to pack, but Vincent leaves to ‘do something’… meaning Catherine…
no, not like that! He just needs to see her.
At the PARK, Tess is making Cat
practice her batting skills (maybe she should ask JT for help). Tess gets a
text from Joe telling her to go scout the opposing team’s pitcher, I wonder if
that was a bootie call…So Tess leaves and Vincent appears. He asks Catherine if
she has a way of finding Muirfield, she tells him about the BUSINESS CARD. He
is worried about her, because he doesn’t believe they can be SO bad at
kidnapping people. Catherine tells him she doesn’t need or want his protection,
Ouch. And then she tells him she knows about his civilian victims. He explains
the guy he killed outside the bar was about to rape a woman… that seems like a
reasonable explanation to me, but she is still processing the whole thing.
Vincent walks towards her and she recoils! He is obviously used to females
looking like they want to jump him every time he walks closer so he is put off
by her reaction and realizes she is afraid of him. Catherine explains she is a
cop and that it is her responsibility to put people like him away. He tells her
with sorrow: “You are trying to decide if I belong in a cage”, you can tell he
himself is not sure if that’s where he belongs… you poor beast… He leaves and
Catherine starts crying unable to stop him and unsure of what she just did. And
cue EMOTIONAL SONG to make us all cry.
The whole thing broke my
heart. It was very sad to see Catherine contribute to Vincent’s self-hatred
but, I think it was necessary for her to go through that process. It was more
realistic to see her have doubts at the beginning than just blindly accept the
whole situation, this aint a fairy tale people...it just has the name of one.
As we are still wishing we could jump on screen and give Vincent a hug, we see
him at the WAREHOUSE drawing his own blood. Yeah, it is sorta hot… and yeah, I
pretty much think everything he does is hot… I have issues, but you guys get
it, right? So after drawing a few vials of his own blood, Vincent smashes his
phone, grabs his jacket [not his usual jacket BTW] and leaves a note for JT and
Cat: “Proof that I existed. Take back your lives. Goodbye” Aw, he is so
Tess and Cat go to the REHABILITATION
CAMP in Westchester. It is actually called the “Achieve to Ride Program” so
basically they have horses, troubled teens and rich people. They spot some polo
clubs and conclude that could have been the weapon used to attack Tommy. So…
they just concluded that… no further proof necessary? Shouldn’t they take Evan
to the crime scenes so he can take some samples or something? I mean, Booth
always takes Brennan… Anyway, the woman who runs the program, Lois Withworth,
is also the woman who bought the FANCY WATCH and she is played by Madchen Amick
(Twin Peaks, Ringer) so she must be
evil, right? So Evil-Lois explains Tommy started working at the stables and
playing polo after he finished the rehabilitation program, she also implies he
stole the FANCY WATCH which belonged to her husband.
The watch was actually given
to Tommy as a gift from his secret girlfriend, Evil-Lois’s daughter
Not-so-evil-Clarissa. However, Clarissa broke it off with Tommy after
discovering he was doping horses. And this is where the case of the week gives
us some totally ON THE NOSE parallel to Cat’s life as Not-so-evil-Clarissa regrets
the fact she got involved with a “bad boy” that came with his own “warning
label”. As Cat thinks of her own bad boy, JT is also looking for him. Cat is
still at the CAMP and they are briefly investigating Clarissa’s ex boyfriend
Sean, but that won’t lead anywhere so let’s just skip it. Cat gets a call from
a very freaked out JT. He is all “I can’t find my beast! What did you do with
him?” He even threatens her and says: “I swear to God, they touch him, I will…”
and I think it is super sweet that they have such a bromance… but as JT is
threatening Catherine he finds Vincent’s note realizes Cat didn’t turn him in,
he is turning himself in!
Cat apparently teleports
herself to the WAREHOUSE because she gets there from Westchester in what looks
like 5 minutes. Cat has the idea to dust her car for prints, find the identity
of the Muirfield guy who touched it and then track his phone. That seems like a
stupid plan… shouldn’t Muirfield guys be out of the system or at least use
burner phones? But looks like we are dealing with the worst secret organization
operatives ever. Seriously guys, at least watch a DVD of Alias, Nikita, Dark Angel or something. As JT and Cat implement the most convoluted
stupid plan that will actually work, Vincent is meeting Ari Muirfield at the RENDEZ-VOUS
POINT. Vincent sets some terms which include he will turn himself in in exchange
of Catherine’s safety. Ari accepts and tells Vincent NO-ONE else on Muirfield
knows about her involvement… how convenient for everyone. Vincent doesn’t
believe him, so he lets him know about his blood-insurance. Now see, Vincent
was actually thinking things through, good Beast. Then, for no reason other
than being nasty, Ari decides to play some mind games on Vincent and tells him
he is not scared about M hurting Catherine, he is scared of hurting her
himself… which is probably true.
At the PRECINCT Evan finds out
that the horses were not actually doped, so that was a lie. And, who cares about the horses when our
beast-man is about to die? Cat and JT sure don’t which is pretty clear when
Tess calls Cat to inquire about the car Not-so-evil-Clarissa used to drive so
Evan can match it to the tire tracks he found in the alley. Cat replies and
hangs up sooner than Tess can make a snarky remark about her hooking up with
Evan. Now she is really confused because Cat is being extra mysterious and Evan
is sitting next to her. At the WAREHOUSE Cat and JT are killing time by talking
about Vincent. Cat asks JT if he is ever afraid of Vincent and he adamantly
replies that he is NOT. She takes this in like she knew it all along. Finally
Cat gets the location of Ari Muifield and team while JT has a heart attack,
which we know about because he repeatedly says “I am having a heart attack”.
location M guys are putting Vincent in chains like he is some kind of animal.
Ari is being unusually warm and tells him they are working on something to make
him better, and you know what? For a second I sort of believed him. But we
don’t have time to find out because at that precise moment Catherine and JT
arrive. Vincent tells Catherine she needs to go. Catherine is all “this is not
your decision, you are a hero, you saved a kid bla bla bla…” and Vincent is
“Oh, OK, I guess… I’ll just kill these guys and we can be on our way”. Then Ari
tries to grab Vincent and Catherine takes out her gun and yells “TAKE YOUR
HANDS OFF HIM”. SPOILER ALERT Show of hands if you wanted her to say those
exact words to Alex in later episodes. So Catherine starts a shoot-out,
JT-man-of-action takes out his bat then Cat starts kicking some ass (I guess
she ran out of bullets), there is a pretty neat explosion and Vincent kills
everyone. For some reason I was a little sad that Ari Muirfield/Silverfox died.
So long Peter Outerbridge…
JT and Vincent stay to clean
up the mess and Cat leaves. As she walks away you can tell by her very
meaningful glance that she has made up her mind about Vincent. She goes back to
the PRECINCT because the damn case of the week is still going on. Tess is
getting a confession out of Not-so-evil Clarissa. Basically she tells them that
her mom attacked Tommy in self defense because she found out about the horse
doping. Then Evil-Lois asked Clarissa for help to drop Tommy’s body in the
city. Of course Not-so-evil-Clarissa didn’t know that her Evil mother was
actually lying and she simply wasn’t too fond of her poor boyfriend and decided
to take him out of the way so she could marry someone with a trust fund. Cat
tells Clarissa her mom tricked her and “made her question what she knew was true”…
not that she is talking about herself or anything so obvious. After arresting
Evil-Lois for the attempted murder, Cat and Tess visit Tommy’s dad at the
hospital. He is out of the comma and getting better. Tommy’s dad mentions
whoever saved him is a hero. “Yeah, he is” Cat replies [and he is also pretty
damn hot, she adds in her mind]. So that’s it for the case of the week… Finally.
So it is finally time for the
infamous NYPD/FDNY softball game and after striking twice Cat hits a home-run…
I am sure there is a metaphor somewhere in there but I am too tired to get philosophical [@flipgirltoronto pointed out it is a metaphor for the overall theme: Cat "trusting her instincts", which is pretty obvious now that I think about it. Thank you for your wisdom twitter followers] .
It is a feel-good scene: Tess is having
a blast, Cat is proud, Evan is looking very cute and Joe is doing a funny
dance. Cat and Tess even celebrate doing some ridiculous victory dance that
makes them look like they are in high school, I am sure that’s the way all
tough NYPD female detectives behave. Whatever, KK is cute.
Cat is back at her place and
gets a text from Vincent. Don’t you think notes are more romantic? Well she
goes to the fire-escape and he has her game ball… Aw. She realizes he was there, stalking her like
he usually does, but she is not upset or freaked out. She looks at him without
any fear or doubt and explains she can’t think in black and white anymore,
because their situation is gray. Translation: she is a cop and she is supposed
to catch killers; that’s the way she used to think before, but now she realizes
it is not as simple as that. Vincent is a killer, but he is not a bad guy, he
is a victim and a hero. She knows that now, it just took her a while to figure
it out. Vincent, on the other hand isn’t as accepting. He truly hates himself
for everything he is and did. The brief moment she was afraid of him brought
back all his misery. He can’t bear the thought of hurting either Catherine or
JT. Catherine finally finds the way to put what she has been feeling into words
as she tells him: “That first night we met in the woods… I knew that you would
never hurt me. That was my gut. I’m sticking with that” and she says it with
the utmost conviction, it is impossible for Vincent to argue or doubt it. She
gasps like she is about to say something else and… the episode ends. I actually
thought it was brilliant to cut the scene there. Good job editing team.
At this point in the season I
had already decided to keep watching the show; however this is not my favorite
episode. I felt the ‘case of the week’ slowed down the Vincent/Catherine story.
So, after watching episode 4 for the first time I had concluded I liked the
show, but it wasn't among my favorites yet… everything would change by episode
5 and 6.
Joe to Cat: Evan is better than you and he is only ever
played cricket
Silverfox: I know it is romantic to think he is some
kind of mythological protective beast
Tess: I had a more salacious theory that I would walk in
and find you two together on the autopsy table/ Evan: Wouldn’t be great on the
JT: We got to press the eject button of our lives
JT: Make-up now? Really?
Cat: CSU. CSI is a TV show
Silverfox: She just can’t stay away
Another great one. I CANNOT wait to see how you'll tackle the Alex arc.
ReplyDeleteThat should be interesting... now I can't wait to get there myself :)
Deleteone of my fav eps. hated eps. with all scenes with Alex in it
ReplyDeleteI actually didn't hate those eps, I hated Alex haha, but the eps were painful but enjoyable... but painful...
DeleteNotes are more romantic. But phones are much more practical:=) Thx for a great recap - feels like ages since I saw this ep...and i look forward to S2.
ReplyDeleteI guess you are right, texts beat notes in terms of practicality haha. I am starting to get restless waiting for S2, so I am re-watching and recapping to keep myself busy. Thanks for reading