After the much anticipated Emmy night, usually I am disappointed
about some of the choices (disappointment usually hits me harder with the
nominations), but I am rarely shocked. This year, I was baffled and confused
most of the telecast. While I am happy and I agree with some of the winners
(Julianne More e.g.), I was utterly upset by others. Here are my main thoughts
right now.
Homeland was the big
winner of the night
Homeland was the
big winner in the Drama category taking the three major awards. I was glad to
see this show get recognition since it is one of the best things on TV right
now. I thought that maybe due to the subject matter it was going to be ignored.
Claire Danes deserved the win hands down. Not so sure about Damian Lewis, but Bryan
Cranston has won one too many times already, so I guess I am OK with it.
However… I was kind of hoping Breaking
Bad was finally going to take the price this year. Not to say anything bad
about Homeland, but Breaking Bad is almost over and Homeland is just starting, with plenty
of years to win. I would have also been OK with Game of Thrones wining, but I don’t think that is ever going to
Even if you don’t
approve of Modern Family wining you have to admit Steven Levitan has the best
Yes, Modern Family is
a good show. But it is getting a little tiring that they not only take all the
nods but also the trophies, and much like Mad
Men, maybe it is time for a new queen of the ball. Having said that… Steven
Levitan has the best intro videos! So keep nominating him forever just because
of that.
Aaron Paul wins best
supporting actor in a drama series
Amy Pohler is the
funniest, deal with it!
I have a confession to make: I haven’t watched more than
five or six Parks & Recreation episodes.
Shame, I know. But even I know that Amy Pohler is the funniest lady on TV and
for some reason she never wins! If nothing else, she is responsible for the
funny bits at the comedy category every year. I love Julia Louis-Dreyfus, love
Seinfeld, etc etc…. but if they wanted to give the Emmy to a veteran winner I
would have gone with Tina Fey instead. Sometimes I feel they give the statues
based on previous performances rather than the current ones.
Downton wins over
Madison Avenue
Maggie Smith is awesome; the dowager countess is one of the
coolest characters, with the best lines in the history of television. I know a
lot of people thought her win was undeserved, I wouldn’t go that far. I am obsessed
with Downton Abbey after all. But I
wouldn’t have minded Christina Hendricks winning. And wasn’t it so shocking how
Mad Men and Boardwalk Empire were almost completely ignored?
It is not elementary
And the best actor in a miniseries or movie is… Kevin
Costner… what? Even he was wondering what the hell were the voters thinking. Benedict
Cumberbatch was entitled to that award! He is responsible for the best Sherlock
Holmes performance in history (and yes, that includes Robert Downey Jr.), but
no… let’s go with the traditional choice instead… Seriously?
Emmy voters, if you
don’t want to watch reality shows I understand, but don’t pick random winners
The Amazing race
wins again. Predictable, predictable, predictable… Are they aware that there
are other shows? And do they ever watch them? I can live with the Amazing Race wining for the millionth
time over SYTYCD… but Tom Bergeron is the best host? What the hell! He is
awful! I don’t even understand why he was nominated. I really wonder what their
criteria for picking best host is.
I feel that there was a group of amazing shows that came
around the same time (Breaking Bad, Mad
Men, Dexter), but they are starting to show some signs of aging and/or are
about to end their runs. Hopefully Homeland
is the first great show of a new batch and this season brings many more new
exciting shows… and Emmy voters start to actually watch TV and vote when they
are sober.
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